If you enjoy my videos, or get value from them, appreciate the time that I put into them and you are able, you can invest back into the channel? My videos on youtube will always be free. But if you would like to support the channel once per month for the same amount you would for a cup of coffee it would be much appreciated!
Your support enable me to visit a greater number of spots to provide more varied info and stories. A great example is visiting state parks which i avoid because of my budget.
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Mail: 409-1027 Davie Street, Vancouver, BC v6e4L2
My email. and paypal. gus@proshotphoto.com
This channel
instagram.com/ytgusinabus Follow here if not subscribed
instagram.com/proshotphoto - My Photography Page
instagram.com/vanglam - My Magazine project
facebook.com/proshotphoto - 199k followers
facebook.com/VanGlamMagazine 200k followers
Music in my videos supplied by
Epidemic Sound