Wants and needs #PSMADV #MotorcycleAdventure #Idaho

We start a series today that I will need to break up. The start area is Wieser Dunes here in Idaho. The topic is wants and needs.
***How to videos are to help gain a better understanding of what and how to fix/repair/ maintain something, I will not be held liable or responsible for anything that might/has/did go wrong! If you don't understand it or have any doubt about whatever it is that you're doing seek professional help. ***
All speeds displayed and sounds of engines racing have been digitally enhanced for your viewing pleasure, video is 1 or more years old stock video. Please obey speed limits and local laws.
All other riders, cagers, and people in this video were unpaid stuntmen/ women from Mexico

Youtube,You tube,Piston slap,pistonslap,Kawasaki zx6r,kawasaki,2013 zx6r,kawasaki 636,Suzuki,Suzuki DRZ 400,DRZ,Adventure Riding,Adventure Motorcycling,MotoVlog,Idaho,Dirtbikes,Motocross,Sport bike,Sport,bikes,Ride review,Do,it,yourself,DIY,How toTriumph,Tiger,800,