
Never Miss A Sunday Show: Widespread Panic 2|10|2011 Athens, GA

Never Miss A Sunday Show: Widespread Panic 2|10|2011 Athens, GA Join us tonight at 8 pm ET for our latest installment of the Never Miss A Sunday Show series with a February 10, 2011 performance at the Classic Center in Athens, GA! This was first of three shows celebrating the band’s 25th Anniversary. Enjoy this free webcast here or at!

While you watch, please consider making a donation to one of these great causes. The Garrie Vereen Emergency Fund, established to support musicians, artists, crew, venue and bar employees, and everyone who make the world-renown Athens entertainment industry thrive. The goal is to help those hit hardest by the economic shut-down and not eligible for assistance through traditional channels. Donate at

Conscious Alliance, a longtime partner of the band’s, Feeding People Through Music food and fund drives, Conscious Alliance feeds families in communities that need it most. Their network of creative people — artists, musicians, food makers, and fans — use their time and talents to make that happen. Donate:


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