
If You Do This, You Won't Feel Alone In This Vast Existence! Sadhguru

If You Do This, You Won't Feel Alone In This Vast Existence! Sadhguru In this video, I talk about the tricks that senses play on you thus trapping you in the game of likes and dislikes. Nature has endowed Human beings with five senses, namely, eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. All these sense organs are always craving for contact with their respective objects. Eyes crave for beautiful sights, ears crave for melodious music, nose craves for aromatic things, tongue craves for delicious food and skin craves for pleasant touch. Now it is the nature of the sense organs to do so. Have you ever really thought how desire arises within you. If you look closely, you will find that all desires, all likes and dislikes have their roots in the sense organs. Let's say, a man is driving a car, now he happens to look at a car which passes by, now his eyes fall upon that car which is better that his own. Now the ripple of thought is generated within, which says, I wanna have that car one day. And this is how a desire is born, this is how a liking for something is born. Every desire, if you see closely, has its birth in the womb of perception. Now, it is the nature of the sense organs to crave for union with their respective objects, there is nothing wrong in that. Nature has designed human body like that to create this drama we call human life. If one becomes watchful, if one becomes aware, if one becomes conscious in his life, he would at once come to know the trick that senses play on him, he would immediately realize the hollowness of all sensory perceptions. And Spiritual Life is nothing but to take charge of these senses and make them in-drawn. Right now these move outwards towards their objects in the hope of lasting happiness, in the hope of eternal fulfillment, forgetting that the transient, the ephemeral, can never lead to the eternal. So a true spiritual seeker realizes this truth about these senses and starts making an inward journey. He get convinced through contemplation and meditation that true and lasting happiness can never be got through the senses. One has to rise above the senses to experience the true happiness. Now with this I'm reminded of a beautiful metaphor which is given in one of the most popular Upanishads, the Kathopanishad. This Upanishad compares the human with a chariot. The Self with a capital "S" is the Master of this chariot, the intellect is the charioteer which rides the chariot, the reins of this chariot are compared with the mind and finally, the horses have been compared with the senses. For more, kindly watch my video!

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About Sadhguru:
Sadhguru, a yogi and profound mystic of our times, is a visionary humanitarian and a prominent spiritual leader. A contemporary Guru, rooted as strongly in mundane and pragmatic matters as he is in inner experience and wisdom, Sadhguru works tirelessly towards the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all. His mastery of the mechanisms of life, an outcome of his profound experience of the Self, guides in exploring the subtler dimensions of life.

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