
Hearing From God - why isn't God speaking to me!?

Hearing From God - why isn't God speaking to me!? Hello People of the Interwebz!
Although I have various viewpoints on how to hear from God, I also want to premise that we shouldn’t only be trying to get answers or advice from Him, but rather focus on building a deeper relationship with Him by SPENDING TIME with Him. Don’t always try to look for an answer, or expect to “receive” something from Him all the time, because then God would be more like a genie in a bible (hehe) than our Heavenly Father.

Points of encouragement:
4:55 - #1 Build a relationship with God and learn about his character by reading the bible.
6:09 - #2 Do the last thing he told you to do and be patient in the waiting.
7:11 - #2.5 If you HAVE TO make a decision, do your best to choose with the character of God in mind and know that he can always guide you back to the right path.
7:46 - #3 Gotta obey. Obedience is key!

I genuinely hope that you are able to seek his heart, more than just his advice.

I’m rooting for you on this journey for truth, and so are people in heaven!
(Hebrews 12:1 NLT “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us")

Also, color grading on iMovie is a struggle-bus...
Maybe one day I'll figure it out, lol



Personal Song Selection
"DAILY (feat. CASS)"


Transformation Church

Personal Sermon Selection
"It may be time to say, 'Get out.' | Pastor Robert Madu"

God, thank you for sending Jesus, just for me.
Today, I give you control of my life. I believe you lived, you died, and you rose again, just for me. Help me to walk with you all the days of my life. Change me, renew me, transform me—I'm yours. In Jesus' name,


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